In 1734, Boone was actually born on October 22nd. When he was 18 years old (it's okay, you don't have to do the math - that would be in 1752!), what would become the Eastern US - but was still a British Colony - finally adopted the Gregorian Calendar. This threw off the "Old Style" by 11 days, now making his birthday on November 2nd.
Nevertheless, Boone continued to celebrate his birthday in October throughout his life. Many history books honor this, while some take on the Gregorian date, and still others note both dates or just the year. Part of Boone's Kentucky legacy - Fort Boonesboro, one of the first permanent settlements in the Commonwealth - celebrates the way Boone would have wanted it - in October; a full weekend of "living history" with re-enactors & fun for the whole family. For our purposes, though, I'm offering you a little flavor of both!
*Newspaper clippings: "Boone's Birthday" Bourbon News 5 October 1909, p8.
"Unveiling of Boone's Monument" Berea Citizen 10 October 1907, p. 1.
Awesome! Additional note I just picked up! Apparently, Susannah (Daniel's 3rd daughter) shared his bday - 11/2 - as of 1760. He brought her along on a couple expeditions, including one for the Transylvania Company!